“This is performative political rhetoric, wherein Butler aspires to make her moral branding campaign come true simply by saying it.” Why does the story The Emperor’s New Clothes never get old? Why is it difficult to explain to so many “normal” people captured by this ideology? Apparently they’ve been trained and/or trained themselves to “see.” How do you show someone the naked fool in plain sight when they insist they see lavish robes?

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I am pleased to read this as a Muslim . (I usually add by birth , upbringing and mature conviction) . I am a radical feminist politically and altho' I have often been accused of being like a man . I have never wished for any such thing and have never met a feminist who did ! Just as I have never met any other mixed race person who wanted to be white - whatever was the expectation of others .

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Love this. Thank you for sharing!

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Truth. Many otherwise reasonable individuals are unmoored when they see what churches (and other faith-aligned groups) do in their community, but quickly remind themselves that "they do it for the wrong reasons." And so all is null and void. In fact, it is insidious and toxic.

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