Thank you for writing this and speaking up. The medical profession has lost its way. I hope it can come back. Removing healthy body parts and healthy reproductive organs upon demand due to dislike of the body and its natural state not only harms the child or young adult but it also shatters the family who did not support such barbaric practices. I could not stop the surgeon from removing my daughter's perfectly healthy breasts. I have lost all trust and faith that medicine still has ethics. Enabling self-harm of our kids is completely unacceptable. How do doctors sleep at night that do these things to our kids? That is not comprehensive or kind care. Please stop.

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Yes!!! Please keep speaking up! The only way my boy will realize he is headed down the wrong path is if DOCTORS speak up. I am a transphobe & "then why does all the medial associations agree with transitioning mom!?!?" is what I get no matter what evidence I produce. "If that evidence was true, medical doctors wouldn't do this!". Doctors are supposed to be the EXPERTS! They have let my son and my family down!!

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Another brilliant article.

Information that opens doors in my ability to speak my truth with confidence, and that organises my hunches and feelings into articulate clarity.

Thank you so much

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