Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Matt Osborne

Trans activists and cishet trans allies paint a sanitized picture of the trans population. The truth appears to be that, except perhaps for trans-trenders, the people lured into chemical castration and sex-mutilating surgery by the promise that changing sex will solve all their problems seem to be a highly unstable lot. The idea that the desire to do the impossible and change sex marks a person as having a mental illness is profoundly out of fashion. Jacqueline's story, however, lends support to the view that many transitioners reach that junction in their lives with a history of mental illness and trauma unrelated to gender dysphoria.

That's something the trans cheerleaders who are public figures elide in their knee-jerk support for "trans kids" and all other trans causes, assuming they're aware of it in the first place. They're victims of their own doctrinaire closed-mindedness.

In a different vein, Mr. Osborne observes: "Newgent points to the critical role that gay shame from spiritual abuse by otherwise loving and well-meaning families has played in the spread of transgender identification among LGB youth." It is an idea that has a lot of currency these days. However, as a budding humanities scholar might say, it is also a concept that requires interrogation. It strikes this reader as counterintuitive and improbable.

Looking at the topic charitably, the gender identity ideology that has captured K-12 education may profess to champion the whole LGBTQ "community" on paper and in the ubiquitous signage, but one cannot help feeling that the programming doesn't prioritize the unique needs of gay youth. That includes inculcating a sense of self-esteem, providing guidance on how to navigate the challenges life throws at gay people and showing how same-sex attracted young people can go on to have happy and successful lives. (This really does need to take place in a school environment, since society would never countenance a general mentorship program for gay youth.)

It is also possible that the gay and lesbian youth who are most at risk of running away from their sexual orientation into the asexual world of gender identity may never be exposed to affirming messages at school because they are home schooled or being educated in Christian schools where being gay is condemned.

It could be that instead of finding a welcoming community of other gay kids online, the lesbian looking for relief from her oppressive Baptist family on the Web will find herself being love bombed by the denizens of the trans communities readers of Eliza Mondegreen's Substack essay know so well.

A skeptic of the proposition that gay youngsters find it easier to transition than to come out would question how family members who reject, say, a gay son, on religious grounds could possibly embrace the same person as a trans daughter. It doesn't matter that the authors of the Old Testament, who condemned gay sex in the harshest possible terms, seemed not to know trans people existed (hint: they didn't). Any pastor worth his tithes could easily cite enough Bible passages blindfolded to preach a hellfire-and-brimstone sermon for the ages against the sins of transgenderism. On the other hand, consistency is not a feature of the religious mind. If there is such a phenomenon as Fundiegelicals who hate homosexuality and but can overlook transsexualism, the world (and sex researchers) need to hear from them.

Long before Judith Butler summoned Queer Theory out of Pandora's Box and loosed it upon the world, gay kids were fleeing toxic home life by the thousands for the gay scene in the big cities. Has the world changed so much since the days of Tales of the City that now their only choice is the living hell of transitioning?

I am increasingly realizing how fortunate I was not to have been raised as a believer and a member of a faith community. On the other hand, having dodged being entangled in a religious family and judged by a congregation and its pastor, I cannot put myself in the shoes of LGB youth who have been subjected to "gay shame from spiritual abuse by otherwise loving and well-meaning families." The experience must be truly nightmarish if it makes gay kids transition. It confirms my view that, in a better world where there religion did not enjoy so much unearned deference from other institutions, these victims' parents and pastors would be subject to prosecution.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Matt Osborne

An interesting review on an important voice.

The absolute sadness and anguish that comes over me as a parent knowing this similar story is happening to my beautiful , competent daughter who while during Covid, found herself with a new partner after enduring a misogynistic and troubled, dominating same sex partnership which thankfully went south after stalking and harassing my daughter for months on end.

My youngest adult daughter then finds herself partnering with a woman who never dated women & comes from a distinctly conservative, catholic shaming background. Thus she had created a form of walling herself off from her own pain by becoming a faux"trans- they ally" and a "partner" to my daughter. Coming across as an independent and distant daughter living on her own clear across the continent from her own alienated and distant mother daughter relationship. She, "they" then cast aside their own need for Testosterone and pushed my easy going, joyful, comfortable, confident, successful, upbeat, young master's certified teacher with a very close relationship with her mom to seek being a "daddy", a seemingly trans male, injecting Testosterone on herself and avoiding her own sense of connection with being a female and meeting her own mom in person for fear of doubting her most life altering decisions. FFS - If only someone can give us insight into how to spread this wealth with our adult children.

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Oct 2Liked by Matt Osborne

I admire Scott Newgent and what he is trying to do. Unfortunately his book is very heavy going. As the into said, it lacks an editor. I will try to get through it, but no promises.

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I've seen several interviews with Newgent over the past few years, since our daughter started identifying as trans. At times I've thought of sharing links to the videos with my daughter, but I always stopped myself because Newgent was still "living as a man." Is Newgent now officially joining the ranks of the detransitioners? If so, that is really the big news here. She has an important story to tell and in my opinion it will be a lot more compelling if it comes from the woman she is now re-embracing.

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To provide an anchor on statements made, NIH research study saw -700 "bottom surgeries" over a 12 year period, 2007-2019 - averaging 58 a year. Vaginoplasty to phalloplasty is 4:1, phalloplasty declining From a peak in 2017, vaginoplasties quadruoling 2015-2019 which I attribute to ACA insurance requirements for trans.


The average cost was $60K - the claim of $1.3M in this artifle is 20x the average. The data in NIH come from anonymized insurance data. Out of Pocket was $2,000

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Author

Just ten days ago I was told about a woman with a $300k top surgery bill. The $1.3m total Newgent gives in the book is for everything including hospitalizations for sepsis resulting from the phalloplasty.

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Matt I was in a hoapital for multifocal sepsis of unknown origin in 2022 - I had streptococcus G in multiple spots inside my spinal canal, and inside multiple large joints, along with severe aplastic anemia because my blood stem cells were differentiating almost exclusively into white blood cells. I had multiple full body MRI slow scans (60+ minute sessions) with Ambulamce support to hospitals with machines that could handle my shoulders - I am built like Steve Cena if he resembled Santa Claus. I had multiple surgeries to clean bacterial lesions in my spine and major joints, and I was in the hospital for 2 months on IV antibiotics and painkillers (joints became bone on bone) plus a month physical therapy.

Just shy of $990,000 "rack rate"

I live in SF, one of the most expensive cities on earth, and I had a spine surgeon, an orthopedic surgeon for hips and shoulders, infectious disease doctor and a hospitalist (new to me).

You can imagine why I'm dubious about million dollar claims for a flap of tissue 5 inches long.

There's a cachet to expensive medical care because it makes someone.seem more precious.

Unreconstructive bilateral mastectomies are around $20-$50 k according to openly advertised rates, and insurance records. Thats a simple fact. "Bottom" surgeries costs are easy to find. Sepsis costs are easy to find. If the patient has 10 major surgeries and 10 major sepsis events it's still not $1.3M

It just doesn't add up.

I would never claim sepsis costs $1m - my experience was unusual - a "novel" sepsis event of 3-5 days in the hospital is $7k - $11k


Billed vs payment can be... Quite different.

So does ohalloplastu with sepsis cost $50k + $11k, or $1.3M - my data would show perhaps $60k.

Between you and readers, I would take information from a delusional person with the a grain of salt.

They're delusional. It affects everything.

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Oct 2Liked by Matt Osborne

These surgeries have almost 100% complications and require multiple revision surgeries so it's not a $60K one-and-done sort of thing.

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These comments may be true in specific cases, but if we are to benchmark, which is what we are doing, the data from the NIH report I have to assuming is the accurate underlying insurance cost information. Insurance billed, cost, and discount or.negotiated rate can be quite different, to say the least. If.you read the NIH they speak of what insurance pays. That's foundational - not the bill, not reductions or.other considerations, it's what they paid.

I've been reading about plalloplasty since around 1985 starting with some writing by Annie Sprinkle. They are never a penis and essentially insensate. Because the surgery is so rare, is why it's problemaric. I had two shoulders and a hip destroyed by steptococcus G and replaced. They are so frequent, along with knee joint replacement that they are outpatient procedures.

The absolute rarity, and lack of surgeons make the procedure a problem but is not a heart transplant, liver, lung. It's non-invasive into the thoracic.cavity.its a flap of tissue 5 inches long. The vagina can be more complex if you opt for the full canal. Many don't.

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deletedOct 2
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Oct 2Liked by Matt Osborne

Phalloplasty is the construction of a phallus - creating a penis from other tissues (most commonly from the forearm or thigh).

Vaginoplasty is the construction of a vagina - creating a vagina from other tissues (most commonly by the inversion of a penis).

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Matt Osborne

As a guy, I would add that phalloplasty only creates a pseudo penis. It's a perfect accessory to the pseudo penis owner's pseudo sex and pseudo gender identity.

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Oct 2Liked by Matt Osborne

You're right. What was I thinking? Senior moment? 😁

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