A comprehensive article that puts WPATH in its proper historical perspective. Unfortunately, if, today, you ask any of the major AI search engines if gender affirming medical or surgical "care" is science based your results will have a plethora of information from WPATH and nary a mention of the Cass report. Rationality and scientific reason will ultimately win this fight but many more children are destined to be sacrificed along the way. As a physician I find it horrifying how ideology overtook science and evidence based medicine in my profession.

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I have found this also. WPATH remains cited as a credible source of info by so many institutions. How long does the dubious, debate & controversy go on?? You exposed it Mia, why does it still exist!! 🤯

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Thank you for your fearless advocacy for medical ethics and rigorous research, two foundational aspects completely missing from the destructive practice of “gender affirming care.”

Loss-of-function elective cosmetic chemical and surgical sex trait modifications are simply not ethical, for anyone, at any age, to access through our medical systems. It’s the loss of function: harm to a person’s urogenital and reproductive health on the basis of emotional distress and intrusive thoughts is a crime. It’s medical battery.

Every individual physician bears the ultimate responsibility to “first, do no harm.” These “gender affirming” exogenous hormone and mutilating surgery providers cannot defer to their professional associations’ authority and thus be absolved of the physical destruction they have wrought.

“It was written policy.”

“I was just following accepted protocols.”

“This was standard practice.”

It’s just like Amtssprache, “bureaucratic language,” the explanation proffered by Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg. “I was just following orders” isn’t going to hold up this time, either.

There must be accountability.

Accountability for every single teacher, school counsellor, diversity expert, and elected education officials for the damage done by “gender identity affirmation” in schools.

Accountability for every single health care provider who insisted iatrogenic physical harm was an acceptable answer to emotional distress a patient expressed about any aspect of one’s body.

Accountability for every media corporation that buried the evidence illuminating this unprecedented medical scandal.

I hold myself accountable for my cowardice and silence, even as I saw the destruction happening to GenX parents and their GenZ kids. I tried to dodge this topic, feign lack of interest, while I devoted myself privately to studying the studies and listening to critical voices.

Now I have the conversations, and I am welcomed by some, ostracized by others. At this point, being maligned by zealots who want to keep the blades of this monstrous “gender blender” whirring is an affirmation that my voice is needed.

Nice people say no to this kind of harm. It’s not hate to say no to aiding self-destruction.

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Hear, hear! By all means, protect the children, but the vulnerable adults being deceived by irresponsible, unethical authority and false promises are also victims, particularly those who were indoctrinated as children. That they delayed their "medicalization" until they turned 18 did not magically assure a well-informed perspective or sound judgment. These procedures are, as you write, Mollie Kaye, "simply not ethical, for anyone at any age." To present affirmation as the only viable treatment, indeed a life-saving treatment, is a disgrace.

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Diane Ehrenshaft ‘psychologist’ was active in the child day care child abuse scandals ‘recovered memory’ and is now all in for youth gender transition. Why she had a license to practice is beyond me.

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