Thanks for expressing the agony and fury many of us feel. We need to express our outrage. I also lost my beautiful daughter to the trans cult. The high functioning autism is the vulnerability. I tried to protect her but the battle against me was fierce.

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This madness won’t end until the institutions are held accountable through lawsuits. The federal department of education, universities, medical institutions and local schools who are indoctrinating our children into this ideology need to be held accountable.

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Federal institutions are probably behind heath care organizations' recent decision to use the term "sex assigned at birth" instead of "sex" in patients' medical records and their decision to collect, store and report a "gender identity" for each patient.

This is a case where, in the words of the British essayist Helen Pluckrose, gender ideology is "conflating sexuality with gender and gender with sex, 'educating' everybody in their own theories, policing language, making people affirm things they don’t believe and trying to shoehorn issues of sexuality and gender into absolutely everything even when it has no relevance at all." [1]

As outrageous as this is, the prospect of suing federal and state governments and health care organizations to abolish those genderist practices is daunting. It isn't clear whether there is a legal theory that would support a lawsuit to force heath care organizations to stop using "sex assigned at birth" in patients' records unless they really were born with ambiguous anatomy and to stop pretending that gender identity is real and stop collecting data about it.

I think changes also have to be top-down in the form of action by the legislative and executive branches to prohibit the excesses that have resulted from trans activism. Sadly, Democrats (of which I am one) seem incapable of acknowledging that gender identity ideology is a problem.

[1] Pluckrose, Helen. “Why Do You Need to Talk About Sexuality at All?” The Overflowings of a Liberal Brain. 8 September 2024. https://substack.com/@helenpluckrose/p-148622634

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I agree. The federal government updated the Affordable Care Act with terminology and added regulations to cover gender affirming care. It does not require the legislature to vote on it. You can search the Affordable Care Act government website to find this information.

If it can be added without legislation, can it be removed without legislation? IDK.

If a federal regulation, which is not supported by science, is harming people, can’t the person harmed sue?

If students are being educated by a curriculum which is designed to indoctrinate them into an ideology that is based upon a theory which leads them to seek harmful medical treatment. Don’t they have the right to sue the education institution?

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Really? If I could indoctrinate my students, I'd indoctrinate them to be dedicated students. Your comment is silly.

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Alex Byrne also took down Butler's book:


It's not just the feminists, fighting her now and she's not just hurting girls and women...it's even more people than that. Rogd boys too. All sorts of vulnerable young people. And even not so young.

And if the doctors hadn't jumped on it, violated their oath of do no harm, and then covered up that they can't back it with evidence (WPATH for example), it would have not have led to so much harm. At the moment there are still backward places in the world (US, Australia, Canada, NZ) where most of the public thinks, incorrectly , that this is a well understood condition with a well understood treatment .

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This is so well written. I feel (and share) the fury. I've read Butler extensively, even dedicating a large part of a book ( https://t.co/8FeFR5HiLn ) to her insane 'theories.' The damage the woman has done is hard to fathom. My heart goes out to the parent who wrote this.

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The trickster philosophers who created and developed the concept of gender identity use language as one of their principal weapons. It is easier to convince people to change their terminology than to change their minds. Yet, changing the words we use has the effect of changing our thinking. Whether intentional or not, characterizing the ginned-up ideas of Judith Butler as "theory" makes them seem as if they had been empirically validated though the scientific method. Nothing could be further from the truth. Butler and her ilk aren't scientists who have devoted their careers to describing and explaining the real world. To the contrary, their pernicious philosophies are works of fiction that millions of people have mistaken for reality. Gender ideology's captives are like live-action role players who do not know they're inhabiting a world and roles someone else created.

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I weep and pine for my daughter too. She succombed and completely medicalized her beautiful female body. She left no trace of femininity.

And yes, this is what it is: "A man is male, a transman is female. This is simply the truth of the matter."

Queer lies hurt so many. Parents (and others) know the truth.

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Superb ! And I love your list of female warriors . I am myself bisexual and a longtime radical feminist . Most of my life I have been asked if I am really a man or told "surely you want to be a man ?/ you have the mind of a man (Maths !) / you have such a deep voice (from my mother ! ) . And endless rubbish like that .

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Thank you for this. It’s inspiring. I’m sad for all of us who are going through this with our kids but fury is a useful thing. I’m keeping your essay.

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Oh it makes me furious also.

Exactly- vulnerable black and white thinkers.

If schools, educational, arts and health institutions, and politics championed autism to the same degree as gender, with social programs championing inclusion of autistic people, and the same degree of financial focus given to acceptance of people with neurodiversity- THEN society would be addressing a problem affecting a far greater percentage of population.


Our bright, loyal, beautiful children would have help at school to make friends, would have labels that couldn't be used as slurs, would be safe to go to the doctor/ therapists/ hospital etc, without the risk of being influenced into being someone they're not-would receive safe support to live lives refective of their strengths and potential, and would be immune from this scourge of gender.

I mean- just think about it.....!

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Powerful story and so well written. God Bless you and your daughter. I pray she will return to her senses soon xx

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Have you heard of the advocacy group DIAG (Democrats for An Informed approach to Gender)? Pls check them out. Interesting folks. Proof that those with gender critical views are not reactionary, evangelical, transphobic, Right wing, etc. I firmly believe that vast majority of the Center and Left that presently support "gender affirming care", would change their views if they knew the whole story. The trans phenomenon is not progressive or liberal, and definitely has nothing to do with socio-economic class and justice, the long term goals of the historic Left. Nothing about "gender theory" is in any other way congruent with the Left thinking. But most people just think that they are being "kind" and "nice". We have to get our noses under the tent flap. I'm thinking about trying to get 15 minutes with my Congress person. They need to know that they are listening to the loudest (most annoying) activists but not to the every day folk who they are supposed to be serving. We gotta get this ball rolling, yeah?

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"But this is war. Butler has declared a war on all reality-based sex-defined gender norms, and war what she will get."

Well said!

This is an unusual war because the battle isn't for territory but for people's hearts and minds. The problem is that when so-called Queer Theory conquers the imaginations of individuals who run institutions, the entire institution often falls with them. Like a real war, the war between sex realism and gender identity ideology doesn't proceed evenly on all fronts. For example, I have been shocked recently by the tremendous extent to which the nebulous and pernicious term "gender" has displaced "sex" in elite usage. There was a time when it seemed people chose the word "gender" instead of "sex" in misguided effort to sound more genteel. That is no longer the case. Well educated people who should know better are putting together sentences such as "no one should ever be denied promotion because of their color, age, religion or gender."

How do we win that battle? I challenge such usage every time I come across it and it is feasible to send a message, but the problem is now systemic in nature. It feels like trying to cut down a tree by starting from the top.

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I would love to see the fragrant Judith B on the psychiatrist's couch. I would imagine there's enough there for an entire conference.

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Honestly, from experience I have come to see most psychiatrists as ethically challenged tricksters who are not very different from the trickster philosophers who came up with gender identity. It would be like putting scorpions in a bottle to see who survives the other.

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This is a brilliant article. As the mother of a transidentified teenage daughter I deeply relate to the fury behind it. Of the many, many points that resonated, I kept coming back to this one, “since when has truth become nothing? Since when have destructive lies become compulsory virtue signaling?” Thank you for writing. I hope we hear more from you.

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And another, “Rainbow morality now insists that my daughter needs to be protected from me so that she can follow her trans-identity mystical insight and join the body mutilating cult of Trans.” Rainbow morality perfectly describes the ethos of my daughter’s high school where secrets are kept from parents and remedial pronoun workshops offered for offenders like myself and my husband.

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